Jiacheng Miao

Jiacheng Miao

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Hi, I am a fifth year Ph.D. candidate in Biomedical Data Science at University of Wisconsin-Madison, advised by Prof. Qiongshi Lu and Lauren Schmitz. Previously, I got my undergraduate degree in Statistics from Nanjing University.

I am interested in how to make reliable genetic and scientific discoveries from machine learning predictions, and in understanding the mechanisms and implications of context-dependent genetic effects.

I develop theory, statistical methods, and software for analyzing genetic data, with a focus on accelerating drug discovery and advancing precision medicine.

Here are my selected papers, google scholar, and CV.


09/24: POP-GWAS published in Nature Genetics for conducting valid and powerful ML-assisted GWAS; PSPS accepted by NeurIPS 2024 for task-agnostic ML-assisted statistical inference.

05/24: Jiacheng won the 2024 ICSA Student Paper Award with POP-GWAS.

11/23: Check out PSPA for assumption-lean and data-adaptive ML-assisted statistical inference.

09/23: Yixuan, an undergraduate student mentored by Jiacheng, won the 2023 Charles J. Epstein Trainee Award for Excellence in Human Genetics Research Semifinalist.

08/23: Jiacheng had a very fun internship at the Regeneron Genetic Center.

02/23: X-Wing published in Nature Communications to identify portable genetic effects and improve genetic risk prediction in ancestrally diverse populations.

12/22: Check out PIGEON for polygenic gene-environment interaction inference using GWIS summary statistics.

09/22: QUAIL published in PNAS to identify genetic associations with phenotypic variability.

01/22: Jiacheng won the 2022 ASA Section on Statistics in Genomics and Genetics Student Paper Award with QUAIL.